Mark Knapp Alaska Outdoors is a place where you can view videos, and learn about hunting, fishing and trapping in Alaska. From big game to fish and fur bearers. From East to West and North to South we cover subjects like conventional fishing, fly fishing, ice fishing and spearing, rifle and bow hunting, big game, small game, migratory and upland birds. From fly tying and bait preparation to wild game recipes. What ever your interests, I hope you will find it here.

Your trail to adventure…

In Mark Knapp Alaska Outdoors you can learn about hunting almost all of Alaska’s large and small game, learn about fishing for any of Alaska’s game fish with fly rod, conventional gear, through the ice or with a spear or net. See how we trap, fish and hunt all over Alaska. Watch underwater video taken in fresh and salt water, see tutorials, fly tying instruction and see hunting, fishing and trapping methods explained.